Fact: Your Smoothie Could be a Sugar Bomb

Smoothies are largely considered a fast, healthy go-to when you need to eat, stat. But if you’re sucking down added sugars, you’re not really doing yourself any favors. And we aren’t talking about table sugar by the spoonful, either. Honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, flavored yogurts, some non-dairy milks, protein powders, even nut butters could all be undercover sugar additions, and you wouldn’t necessarily know it. And if we’re being completely frank, commercially prepared smoothies tend to be loaded with even more sugar than the homemade stuff! The plain truth is that your smoothie could well be a sugar bomb. Here’s what to look for, what to avoid, and how to make this whole issue, well, a non-issue.

Healthy vs Unhealthy Smoothies

It alllll comes down to the quality and quantity of your ingredients—that’s what separates the smoothies from the milkshakes. There’s *so* much opportunity for good stuff here, from daily servings of fruits and veggies to fiber. And, in the case of Bumpin Blends smoothie cubes, you can also address any number of specific needs and symptoms. That’s actually kind of our thing. Bumpin Blends got its start when our founder Lisa set out to help women meet their nutritional needs and nurture their day-to-day symptoms, whether that’s anxiety, digestion, energy, headaches, heartburn, mood, nausea, sleep, stress, bloating, and the list goes on.

So what does a healthy smoothie look like, IRL? Simple. Whether it’s homemade or, ahem, wildly convenient smoothie cubes, it should be made with whole, real vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, spices, and proteins. Organic is always best, and, it goes without saying, healthy smoothies contain zero added sugars, artificial ingredients, preservatives, or other questionable additives. Pro tip—if you’re perusing the label on a premade smoothie and you see anything along the lines of “dehydrated vegetable blends,” back away.

Choose… Wisely

The right smoothie can be an excellent meal replacement, but be clear about calories. Some smoothies can pack over 1,000 calories into that glass, and that’s… a lot. Don’t assume that a smoothie is always a low-calorie, nutrient-dense option, because there’s a lot of sugar bombs masquerading as healthy choices.

TLDR; the best smoothies out there are made with whole foods, have zero added sugar, and have a nicely balanced ratio of carbs to fiber to protein to fat.

You’ll find zillions of recipes online, but the easiest way of ensuring your smoothies fall into that healthy category is with a subscription. This subscription right here. Our dietitian-designed blends are tailor-made for you, taking the guesswork (and most of the work work) out of healthy, delicious smoothies. Start with a two-minute quiz to see how our smoothies can help shore up those nutritional gaps, and never worry about what’s lurking in a smoothie again.